25 Critical Points to Growing a Business in a Recession”
By: Felton Wooten
should you buy the book...
Please read if you want to:
Solve your business problems
Make Money
Rejuvenate your business
Efficiently have a better business
Have Peace of Mind
Create a prosperous business
Summary of Book!
Critical tips to avoid in running a business
Successfully owning a business can mean financial freedom
Hassle free reading that gives practical advice on how to succeed in
The author gives first hand experiences on ways to protect your business
investment: your company
About the Author
Felton Wooten is an author, workshop presenter, licensed Nursing Home
Administrator and a licensed Assistive Living Administrator. His most recent
book is “Daddy the Other Parent”and How Not To Run A Business. He has
co-authored an Abuse Prevention for the Caregiver Manual, developed a
training DVD on elder abuse prevention and published an article in the
Values Realization Journal on “Making a Career Change”.
Mr. Wooten is a licensed Nursing Home Administrator Preceptor and holds a BA
degree in Public Administration. He was also selected Administrator of the
year for NC in 1997.
Entrepreneurial experience includes owning and operating a retail uniform
store from 1990-93 and owning and operating a handicap transportation
company from 2004-07. Felton Wooten is available for workshops and
presentations on topics such as:
Stress Management
Elder Abuse Prevention
Effective Supervision of Staff
Important Steps in Long term Care Planning
Other Health Care Related Issues
The Purpose of the Programs
Stress Management: How to manage the day to day activities of life and cope
with the stressors; Target group health care worker
Important Steps in Long Term Care Planning: How to select a nursing home;
Important steps to protect your home, investments and finances at least 5
years before needing a nursing home. Target group: Seniors and the General
Elder Abuse Prevention: How to identify the types of abuse; Ways to prevent
abuse and the causes of abuse. Target group: Health Care Workers
Effective Supervision: How to effectively supervise staff : Target Group:
Health Care Managers
This book really gives you straight forward information about things to do
and not do when starting a business and staying in business. I appreciate
the style that the book was written in. I could understand what was being
said and this helped me analyze what I was doing good and not so good. It
was like having a check list to evaluate my business. I am better off by
reading this book, Now I don't go home so stressed. I am so glad that this
information was provided. I got it just in time...
I would love to have chance to talk with you. The information was so clear
and I got what you were saying. the information was not over my head.
M. Holmes
Sufflok, Va.
My last business failed because I did not know these things. Wish I had this
information 10 years ago. Where were you then? Thanks!
Wilson, NC
I found 3 areas I immediately need to correct to make my company better. One
has to do with the way I handled things. Some of your tips I had not even
thought about until I read your book. I will now have a stronger company now
that I have read your book.
Mr.O. Mc
Greensboro, NC
My company can only improve as a result of you. I appreciate your honesty
and openess. I really liked after each tip you told us to take action and
write it down.
Z. Thompson
I really needed this just starting a new business. I feel like I have a
roadmap to success after reading your book.
T. Woodward
Atlanta, Ga.
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