Is your manuscript
getting the attention it deserves?
At WC Publishing &
Printing, we work closely with you to design a book that matches
your unique vision and specific requirements. We do not restrict
your design choices to a few generic templates-every book is
designed individually, with a special emphasis being placed on book
covers, since this will ultimately be the very thing that convinces
a person to pick up the book. A book is pre-judged by its cover,
particularly when online bookstores are the major sales channel, and
we will design a cover for you that will sell your book.
We make your book(s) available to bookstores, libraries, schools,
etc., through major wholesalers. Your book will also be listed for
sale by major online bookstores. Through these bookstores, your book
will immediately become available to a worldwide audience.
So what sets us apart
from print-on-demand publishers?
• We maintain the quality standards of our imprints by copyediting
every book we publish.
• We encourage bookstores and resellers to carry our books by
offering them full industry-standard discounts.
• We publish our books under imprints that do not call attention to
the self-published or on-demand aspects of the books.
What you get when you publish with us
A copyeditor will read your manuscript and correct punctuation,
spelling errors, and any other obvious mechanical problems with the
text. (If your manuscript needs extensive or developmental editing,
we will perform these optional services).
Book Layout
We will design a unique layout for the text of the book. This
process includes choosing an overall format, chapter headings,
header and footer style, and fonts that fit well with the story.
Cover Design
We will create a full-color cover or jacket that is unique to your
ISBN, LCCN, and Other Registrations
Your book will be assigned its own ISBN (International Standard Book
Number), and will be listed in R. R. Bowker's Books in Print. We
will also place your book in the Library of Congress and obtain an
LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number) for your book. You also
have the option of having WC Publishing arrange copyright
registration through the U.S. Copyright Office of the Library of
Congress on your behalf.
Placement in Major Online Bookstores
Your book will be listed on BarnesandNoble.com, Amazon.com,
Borders.com, and BooksAMillion.com